Saturday, February 26, 2005

Let's see...first post....always exciting. So this is my spiffy new blog. Well, it was created for a purpose and I suppose I should explain it. I write...a lot, but I almost never let anybody read it. I dunno why, I just don't. But at the urging of my friends, Bill in particular, I'm going to change that. That's what this blog is for, to house my work, be it good, bad, or indifferent. This is everything, so I'm not just posting the good stuff. Some of it will be downright bad, and I feel sorry for those of you I subject to it, but there you have it. So my purpose is to put my stuff out there where someone other than me can see it. I would greatly welcome constructive criticism on anything and everything. Although positive feedback might be nice too, occasionally. So please, please, read and comment. I would greatly appriciate it!!!

Well, ok, that's done and I will begin. This is a poem you may have read as it lives in my profile and has for a while, but I might post the longer mess that it was born from as well. But ok, here is my first poem.

Inkblot World

This is a world of dreams and shadows

Of light and myriad shades of gray

Of boundless color and endless blackness

All combining in superb contradiction

Sweet nonsense, a resonance to the ear

A splash of color defying form

Here you see is what you want to see and only that

What you are is what you choose to be

So don’t tell me my vision is false

Don’t tell me my dreams cannot be real

Don’t tell me I can’t read this inkblot world as I choose

I am who I choose to be, no other

And no one to blame but myself

Let me know what you think.


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